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Gli studenti della 1C-Cambridge si sono recati a York in Inghilterra per uno stage linguistico nell’ultima settimana di maggio, accompagnati dalle docenti Biagini e Storchi. È stata l’occasione per una full immersion nella cultura inglese: lezioni di lingua alla mattina presso English in York, scuola di alto livello riconosciuta dal British Council, visite ai monumenti e luoghi di interesse storico di York, famosa città medievale, e le abitudini di vita quotidiana presso le famiglie ospitanti, compreso il cibo e gli spostamenti in bus. L’esperienza è stata intensa e ricca di stimoli per la crescita culturale, linguistica e di autonomia personale. Ecco cosa dicono gli studenti:

I think that the highlight of the stage was the teamwork in class, because we were able to work together. We played “Alibi” on the last day: this activity engaged all the people in the class. (Leila, Matteo)

I really liked this stay because it was a good experience for all of us. The highlight was the afternoon when we visited the York Minster, it’s a majestic cathedral! (Aurora, Matilde)

In my opinion the best experience was the evening when we went for a walk along the river because I had fun with my friends and we also saw the sunset, it was beautiful! (Marilia)

I had fun all days of the stay. It was absolutely a wonderful trip where I learned new things about history, about my friends and obviously English. Even the food was not so terrible, I found fish and chips delicious! (Cecilia)

I loved being with my friends 24/7 and visiting the city of York with them. I loved staying at my host family, they were very kind and nice to us. (Emma)

The part that I liked the most is when we visited the York Castle Museum because I had the possibility to see artifacts and exhibits from different ages in the past, like the Victorian Age, World War I, etc. There I’ve learnt about the history of York and the whole England. In York people are very polite and kind, even with the bus driver. I caught the bus without adults for the first time (Sharon, Alessandro, Edoardo)

The best thing we’ve done in York was visiting Castle Howard, it made me understand how things were like in the past. The furniture was gorgeous, there were a lot of statues, everything looked so luxurious and was painted in gold! I was excited to see the exhibits of Tony Cragg within the castle. We also went to see the Temple of the Four Winds on top of a hill, surrounded by nature and animals. The Temple is the most beautiful artifact that I have ever seen. We saw animals like peacocks in their habitat. Here I found art, culture and, at the same time beautiful natural background! (Daniele, Vittorio, Naomi, Lucia, Sabrina, Filippo A., Lorenzo, Annachiara, Isabel, Filippo Z., Ginevra, M.Vittoria, Martina)

On Thursday my friends and I went to a bookshop, it was huge, it also had a café inside the building! (Gloria, Francesca, Asia)

At the lunch break we often had free time and the opportunity to visit the city centre on our own! (Alice, Alberto, Ethel, Letizia)

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